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Get The Red Flag Audiobook for FREE on Audible

Home » The Red Flag » Get The Red Flag Audiobook for FREE on Audible
the red flag audiobook

How to Claim The Red Flag Audiobook

You can own The Red Flag in audiobook format for free in four simple steps:

  1. Head on over to Audible
  2. Sign up for a one-month free trial of Audible Premium Plus
  3. Use your complimentary credit to claim the audiobook
  4. Cancel your trial any time — the book is now yours to keep forever!

It’s that easy!

What If I Don’t Want to Sign Up?

If you don’t want to sign up for a membership or a trial, don’t worry. You won’t have access to the audiobook for free, but you can make a one-time purchase to own it. You can do this right through Audible.

Additionally, if you already own the Kindle edition of The Red Flag, then you can buy the audiobook through Amazon to take advantage of the WhisperSync feature. This will allow you to seamlessly swap between editions without missing a word.

Start Listening Today!

Get ready to embark on a journey narrated by the talented actor Thomas Cardwell. If you’ve already read the book, then you’ll be in for a treat as each of the characters come to life. If you’re new to the story of Captain Boswell and Alice, then prepare to experience it for the first time in its finest form. This story and its narration have earned 5 Stars from Readers’ Favorite, a book review and award contest company.

Tom and I worked hard on this project, ensuring the highest quality in all aspects. The process to create an audiobook out of the written word was an enjoyable experience. So we hope you enjoy your listen and encourage you to share it with others. Please also leave an honest review on Audible or Amazon once you’re finished. Doing so will greatly help us out!

Listen to a sample from the opening of the audiobook:

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